Handbag dimensions (external) - W 26 x H 20 x D 10 cm. Handles length approx. 30 cm. Sides made with durable pcv fabric. Cotton interior with two pockets. Handles made with trasnparent pcv tubing filled with bricks matching the color of the bag. All the bricks used for this handbag are brand new and never played with so they have the amazing fresh color and shine.
BODY: white, light grey, dark grey, black, blue, dark blue, green, lime, yellow, orange, red, dark red, lavender, dark tan, brown, magenta, azure
FLAP: white, light grey, dark grey, black, blue, dark blue, green, lime, yellow, orange, red, dark red, dark tan, brown
HANDLES: white, light grey, dark grey, black, dark blue, blue, green, lime, yellow, orange, red, dark red, transparent yellow, transparent green, transparent blue.
INTERIOR: light grey by default.
SIDES: any of the colors available for the BODY or light pink
CLOSING STRAP: any of the colors available for body
LOCK & PINS ON THE BOTTOM: light grey or yellow